Why do I walk into the world of phalaenopsis orchid
台灣屏東搬家到台灣台北來的這幾盆雖然不是名花名種, 但是對我來說是一種無價.因為它們是父親遺留下來的, 家人沒有辦法照顧, 只好從南部帶回了北部
Although Taiwan's Pingtung moved to Taipei, Taiwan, these pots are not famous flowers, but they are invaluable to me. Because they were left by their father, the family could not take care of them and had to take them from the south back to the north.
這幾盆對我來說意義非凡的蝴蝶蘭.希望它们可以快快樂樂的存活下去,延續我對父親的懷念.認真的的找尋資料, 最後才發現原來台灣有那麼多的原生種蘭花, 也因為這幾盆花讓我知道了台灣阿媽阿婆的故事,也認識了台灣蝴蝶蘭產業的心酸故事
These pots are very meaningful to me. I hope they can survive happily, continue my nostalgia for my father. Seriously looking for information, and finally discover that there are so many native orchids in Taiwan. Because these pots of flowers let me know the story of Taiwan's grandmother (TAIWAN PEOPLES'S said Phalaenopsis amabilis is Taiwan's grandmother ), and also know the sad story of Taiwan’s Phalaenopsis industry.
Although Taiwan's Pingtung moved to Taipei, Taiwan, these pots are not famous flowers, but they are invaluable to me. Because they were left by their father, the family could not take care of them and had to take them from the south back to the north.
這幾盆對我來說意義非凡的蝴蝶蘭.希望它们可以快快樂樂的存活下去,延續我對父親的懷念.認真的的找尋資料, 最後才發現原來台灣有那麼多的原生種蘭花, 也因為這幾盆花讓我知道了台灣阿媽阿婆的故事,也認識了台灣蝴蝶蘭產業的心酸故事
These pots are very meaningful to me. I hope they can survive happily, continue my nostalgia for my father. Seriously looking for information, and finally discover that there are so many native orchids in Taiwan. Because these pots of flowers let me know the story of Taiwan's grandmother (TAIWAN PEOPLES'S said Phalaenopsis amabilis is Taiwan's grandmother ), and also know the sad story of Taiwan’s Phalaenopsis industry.
我喜歡自然事物, 一樣的心態也讓我喜歡原生種的野性美,純樸美, 一腳踏入才發現純度高的原生種阿媽阿婆收集是非常不容易收集的, 因為太多原因無法辦別純度, 主要原因如下幾點 , 讓原本殘存不多的的純種原生品種,加速斷絕.:
I like natural things. The same mentality makes me a wild beauty of native species. It is pure and beautiful. When I entered it, it was difficult to collect the high purity particles of the original type. Because there are too many reasons, I can't do this. Purity, the main reason is as follows, so that the original pure variety left behind disappears:
I like natural things. The same mentality makes me a wild beauty of native species. It is pure and beautiful. When I entered it, it was difficult to collect the high purity particles of the original type. Because there are too many reasons, I can't do this. Purity, the main reason is as follows, so that the original pure variety left behind disappears:
l 是因為市場喜好的問題 ,原生賣相差,沒人買,蘭園就不種
Due to market preferences, the wild is very ugly, no one buys.
Due to market preferences, the wild is very ugly, no one buys.
l 組織培養技術切割多了 , 最後多少會有人為的變異, 失去了一些原生種的品系和特性
Tissue culture techniques have been cut more and eventually there will be some artificial variations that will lose the strains and characteristics of some native species.
Tissue culture techniques have been cut more and eventually there will be some artificial variations that will lose the strains and characteristics of some native species.
l 交配時純的配不純的,產生不純的問題 ,
There is no pure mating and impureness, which leads to impure problems.
There is no pure mating and impureness, which leads to impure problems.
l 不願分享的純種老植株不小心掛點斷了延續
Purebred old plants that are unwilling to share accidentally die and stop production.
Purebred old plants that are unwilling to share accidentally die and stop production.
l 老園丁的掛點, 無人接班,純種當垃圾丟了
The old gardener is dead, no one takes over, pure is garbage to lost.
The old gardener is dead, no one takes over, pure is garbage to lost.
l 單一品種組織培養野放復育 , 破壞了大自然的生態平衡 ,
Tissue culture is invested in the wild, destroying the natural ecological balance,
Tissue culture is invested in the wild, destroying the natural ecological balance,
l 病毒蟲害的侵襲, 珍貴純種品種 也斷了傳承
Invasion of viral pests, precious purebred varieties also die
Invasion of viral pests, precious purebred varieties also die
收集的心情也許跟現在的趣味愛花者, 專業育種花園人士, 蘭園的老前輩一樣, 是一種挑戰,是一種傳承, 是一種延續. 不管收藏者目地是為了賺錢或是興趣都是一種值得稱讚的做法, 至少純原生種可以保留存在,擴散出去. 希望這些純度高的台灣原生種蝴蝶蘭,可以延續下去存活在很多有興趣收集者身上或是私人花園內.
The mood collected may be the same as the current fun flower lovers, professional farmers and orchard. It is an inheritance and continuation. The purpose of collectors is to make money or make money is a compliment. At least pure native species can exist and spread. It is hoped that these high-purity Taiwan native Phalaenopsis plants will survive in many interested collectors or private gardens.
以下兩種蘭花圖片是我南部拿上北部 , 不管美醜不管純度 ,對我來說意義非凡
The following two orchid pictures, no matter how beautiful or ugly, no matter how pure, means great to me.
The following two orchid pictures, no matter how beautiful or ugly, no matter how pure, means great to me.
1-1. 父親的蝴蝶蘭
1-2. 父親的石斛蘭